Colleen Dillon's listening history

Colleen Dillon's avatar
When my kids were babies, my Dad always used to hum a little tune when he was carrying them and trying to settle them down... it's the sweetest, lilting sound, I've hummed it all my life, always thinking of my Dad when it was in my head. I've…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This song was written for a songwriting challenge issued by the MN Association of Songwriters where the title had to include the word 2021. I am uploading it this morning on a very proud day here in the USA - Inauguration day 2021!!!!! I am…
slkrell's avatar
I wrote this one morning but gave up tryin to sing it . then I asked my buddy Steve Schostal to do vocals . His Canadian accent was perfect for this . Notice how he leads the beat ‘wow perfect. I love Colabs
H R Music's avatar
My mom was a lifeguard when she was young and I was swimming long before I was old enough to go to school.
spacehoers's avatar
But it's on sale so cheap now, and I'm sure I'll play it later.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
When my kids were babies, my Dad always used to hum a little tune when he was carrying them and trying to settle them down... it's the sweetest, lilting sound, I've hummed it all my life, always thinking of my Dad when it was in my head. I've…
Greg Connor's avatar
This is my contribution to the Song Writing Challenge: Write a song about "First Date". Written for Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show / Pioneer Radio 90.1 Thief River Falls.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This song was written for a songwriting challenge issued by the MN Association of Songwriters where the title had to include the word 2021. I am uploading it this morning on a very proud day here in the USA - Inauguration day 2021!!!!! I am…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
When my kids were babies, my Dad always used to hum a little tune when he was carrying them and trying to settle them down... it's the sweetest, lilting sound, I've hummed it all my life, always thinking of my Dad when it was in my head. I've…
Breaking Light's avatar