c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history

odh's avatar
About the song It's like a picture of my brain. Psychadelic number using the Korg Monotron. I strummed the guitar riff at 21:00 and within 40 minutes had all the tracks recorded onto the Zoom. All except the two Monotron tracks which were added…
Gary Fox's avatar
The title track to the new album. Turn it up. Listen all the way through and there's some ear candy at the end for you. ;)
Mr Sandbags's avatar
An experiment with granular "freezing" in Boîte Diaboliqué this time using a few seconds of guitar from [MMI](http://alonetone.com/mmi). Using granular synthesis it is very hard to get a real "freeze" effect although by using very high grain…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is the first demo [Sister Savage](http://alonetone.com/sistersavage) and I have made for our RPM 2011 album. Although I've uploaded a copy here we'd be really grateful if you would listen to the [version uploaded by Sister](http://alonetone…
thetworegs's avatar
This one is about remembering the feelings of watching Tv as a child in England when we only had three channels but everyone watched them .......
thetworegs's avatar
The doctor has told thetworegs something they don't want to hear. So they funk it out........ RPM2011
Al's left hand's avatar
titus passes by his old home, decides not to go back.
Al's left hand's avatar
this is titus alone and the brown dog affair. that, combined with the slowness, makes for a long-ass song.
Al's left hand's avatar
titus and gertrude throughout Gormenghast
Al's left hand's avatar
in our vision of this world these guys live out in the foothills and are threatened not by floodwater, as in Gormenghast, but by landslides, as in The Control of Nature (John McPhee).