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Anarch III: Counting Cracks

Al's left hand

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titus and gertrude throughout Gormenghast

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

i love how literate you guys are.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I keep dipping into your stuff (I'm very fond of Gormenghast as well, I've even got some songs knocking around somewhere that are directly inspired by it), but this is the first one I've listened to closely... You guys are growing on me - you've got something that makes me keep coming back, and it's not just Mr Peake! Faved :-)

Guest said

Very full and most interesting track indeed!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

And I followed Reg......and man am I glad I did.....I love this....this is what i love...and I love do you create a song like this, I dont quite understand....damn brilliant, thats real drums isn't guys are as real as it comes........and Reg likes it......and Gumbo likes it......and I like has an old early prog-rock feel here, like very, very early Genesis....what a damn vibe you have cooked up.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Brilliant so please i've found you on here or rather i followed Gumbo here...i'm a fan...i must of timeslipped was it those mushrooms i had for tea wow!! excellent stuff

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