"Hey Motorman" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1907 with a gondola that went from side to side carrying passengers and vehicles. It was later replaced with a lift system.
I found a CD with a lot of my old songs on it, many I have re - recorded and are on here. This one I had forgot about. The Good Wife does her bit on it.
Another silly little tune, this time about the world's favourite stout! (Edit: uploaded a new version. Fixed a few mistakes.)
When the sun is up high, in a bright blue sky
And you're walking around in Dublin town
You got nothing…
Another Minnesota Coffee Table Song! Written and recorded "live" in one evening.
Memories: Written and performed by John Bennet, Joe Passofaro, Mark Lofgren, Colleen Dillon & Greg Connor. Listen to Minnesota Homebrew Radio w/ Carl…
Still good !!!
I just took a listen to this after getting a message from John Bennett looking for a melody to accompany his lyrics. I have enjoyed playing with all of you!
I wrote this one morning but gave up tryin to sing it . then I asked my buddy Steve Schostal to do vocals . His Canadian accent was perfect for this . Notice how he leads the beat ‘wow perfect.
I love Colabs
I have always wanted to get down to the Bayou. Maybe you could introduce me to Marie sometime. It's an intriguing thought to meet a pistol packing gator plinking lady.
No-one To Blame - A A J Russe
Written 1st January 1988
Recorded 6th March 2022
The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
Nearly forgot to post this one! (it's been a busy week at work)
I was 24 when I wrote it. What more can I say…
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Great tune, great lyrics, great swing!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Great message. We need more of this.
Good story! Ezyfolk was a long time ago.
I love this! What a beautiful piece.
I like it! Beautiful message.
I like it! It drifts along comfortably. This would make a great background on one of your videos.
Please don’t send her my way!
Beautiful imagery presented by your two voices. Very nice..
That's what we need . . . Human Kindness. I like the electric screw driver sound.
Reflective quality in a very stark light. “on my own” does that mean unsupervised?
Ah, the good ole days! I'm glad they're behind us.
This is beautiful. I’m guessing bouzouki but I might be wrong.
Fun song! I’d like to hear you sing that after having a few Guinness.
Yes, the long awaited springtime. We’ve been waiting patiently. Nice picking and harmonics.
Still good !!! I just took a listen to this after getting a message from John Bennett looking for a melody to accompany his lyrics. I have enjoyed playing with all of you!
Nice Beatles vibe
Beautiful song
Still one of my favorites!
Best song I’ve heard since Saskatchewan. Way to go Steve! https://alonetone.com/slkrell/tracks/saskatchewan
I have always wanted to get down to the Bayou. Maybe you could introduce me to Marie sometime. It's an intriguing thought to meet a pistol packing gator plinking lady.
I think I dated this one. I like the guitar lick. The song really moves along well.