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Everyone is Irish On St Patrick's Day

Greg Connor

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Everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day

C Everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day
Cause F it’s the only Irish thing to C do
A F twinkle in the eye of every C I Em rish Am man
Will D leave you with a better point of G view

C Everyone is welcome when we celebrate
F Even if you’re only passing C through
You’ll F find yourself a happy heart C along Em the Am way
And F Irish luck will G always stay with C you

Let’s F raise another glass to dear old C Ireland
And F may a smile always be with C you
May you F live another day to see the C mornEm ing Am sun
And F everything you G dream about come C true

C Well it’s a lucky thing to be an Irishman
F Especially when it comes to this fine C day
F Kiss the bonnie lass’s in the C ev Em en Am ing
And D all your troubles seem fade G away

C Let’s raise them up and tip them upside down my friend
And F honor old St Paddy till we’re C through
Let’s F celebrate until the sun shines C down Em a Am gain
And F all the ladies G show us their C tattoos

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Best musical start to any morning ever!!!

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Ha ha! Very cool! Rock on!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I was wondering and now I understand...nice song. Especially like the Banjo.

Guest said

Cute lyrics Greg and a pretty song.

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Erin Go Bra-less!!!!! where is that Erin? Good one St Patty's day.....because my Anniversary is the 15th and my B day is the 18th...full week of celebrating for me!!! so I'll be singing your song all week

Robert Palomo's avatar
Robert Palomo said

Ah Connor me boyo, faith and 'tis smilin' I am!

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Begorra,you say.

Guest said

Oh man its coming isnt it.Ill have to stock up. Guinness, Newcastle,some peaty blends. Glenmourangie. OOOPs thats Scotch Whiskey. Nice whistle solo, that could catch on. When do they show us their tattoos. ill have my black berry notify me.

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