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corbin71's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by corbinSound


Music Is The Cup

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Mixed a couple of free samples together from Robert Fripp’s DGM Live website, added some delayed ebow.

Guest said

sounds like Jon from YES in parts , very cool

Guest said

say lettuce, spell cup. beautiful.

Guest said

very cool. -JR Illegal Alien Autopsy

Guest said

lovely sounds. i kept waiting for you to drop a beat. this could go on another three minutes, easy.

Guest said

Wow, bring on the dusk...gorgeous!

Lacus Veris's avatar
Lacus Veris said

Very Unearthly!The Treated Guitar Is So Cool!Ever Use An E-Bow?

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Oh My! Lovely track!

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Yes! Yes! Yes! followed by free Fripp samples ?!?!? Holy crap!
