Dirty Spirits's listening history

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A live version of a song from our first RPM effort AMERICAN ASHTRAY.
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from our 2011rpm effort
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from our 2011 rpm effort
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from our 2010 rpm effort
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title cut from our 2010 rpm effort
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group of ideas im working on. live take straight to the end.
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we just started rolling tape and this fell out of the sky and it felt great as it was happening too. we are all pretty rusty after little practice the last several months. trying to shake the dust off and ready a new rig for this years rpm challenge…
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another random jam . my lead work is sloppy but i think this is cool anyway.
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gearing up for rpm. all songs are ready to go. more than one nod to pete townshend this year. rough little go of it on this Who classic.
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a song demo i sent out to the band a few weeks ago. a bit of a tribute to The Who. a few nods in there. i hear a little Moschell and Alex Moody in there too. we will see how it works itself out. M.F.