JESMIAUS 's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
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JESMIAUS 's avatar
and the booze train keeps rollin down the line, clownish rodeo song of mine.
da gubbamint's avatar
H-town Represent! Jarufus live in Vegas. A No Grapes Production Produced by Illegal Alien Autopsy 2010
Cave Street's avatar
My first rejected Ramen Music submission. Too Much I wrote you a letter but I never sent it I was afraid you might never get it or what if you did and I lived to regret it and it was just too much for me to take now its four in the morning…
Cave Street's avatar
Love Wins
Newbold's avatar
just more in the mix here with the last three to four minutes IMO taking away from the music, I can delete that if you think so? we are just continuing down the tape I made in 2006 one of many, hundreds actually and I can not keep them straight,,
Cave Street's avatar
My first rejected Ramen Music submission. Too Much I wrote you a letter but I never sent it I was afraid you might never get it or what if you did and I lived to regret it and it was just too much for me to take now its four in the morning…
Dave Berry's avatar
A frightening thing, to go from being a man to becoming a Lobster-man. Now Gather around me hearties For I've got a sad tale to be told Hoist the colors ye bilge rats The call rang out, we were off for gold Grog in our bellies, horn-pipes…
shortbusmusic's avatar
This song was inspired by the heavy rains of the past two days, and my wife and I biding our time waiting for them to subside a bit so we could leave the house. The guitar is my old Alvarez classical with a microphone, then run through my RP350…
Cave Street's avatar
You've got the buttons that are made out of my bones You've got the ghost of me that still can stitch them on And ev'ry time you close your vest you will hold me near But that's as close as I'll ever get to you my dear, I fear Up in…