dAb's listening history

acasmc's avatar
old, but nice!
Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
sketch for tone-study
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
Body Disconnected (2002) was written to accompany choreography by Lauren Lutrell. The process included importing video clips of dance movements into the music programs I was using and scoring music to them as one might with a film soundtrack…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a first test of a sequencer I built, using Max for Live, based on Audio Damage's latest plugin [Axon](http://www.audiodamage.com/instruments/product.php?pid=AD026). Axon looks great but I'm saving for a Mac Pro so, to save money, I…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A second demo of my _Neurotik_ sequencer built in Max for Live and emulating the _Neuron Sequencer_ from Audio Damage's latest instrument [Axon](http://www.audiodamage.com/instruments/product.php?pid=AD026). I've fixed up some stuff in the…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Still playing with my _Neurotik_ sequencer made using Max for Live. This one turned out a bit strange. I was actually using it to drive Kontakt with cello & violin patches. It was sort of interesting but not quite working when I dropped CamelSpace…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Okay this is one for the serious noise freaks only. This is three instances of Loop Shifter that I played in real time using my Novation Launchpad. Turns out the launchpad makes a great keyboard for loop shifter, better than a real keyboard…
Gu Djin's avatar
Inspired by the book "Freedom and Death" by Nikos Kazantzakis Battlecry – Freedom and Death Our arms are the mountains and the crags Our ammunition in our hearts Not the ancient swords and muskets we tote Against all odds The light of…