dAb's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. I love the Abaska Bong sound and was trying to pair it with something complementary. After going through some truly weird combinations I came up with this.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A single layer experimental composition using Elysium 0.7.7 playing the Kore 2 instrument 'Abaska Bong' through the 'Hello Repeat' effect from the Kore 2 factory library. In this track both the tempo and the pulse rate of the generators are…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
DanielB 's avatar
Do you miss the 80s? Go on, admit it; of course you do!
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A second demo of my _Neurotik_ sequencer built in Max for Live and emulating the _Neuron Sequencer_ from Audio Damage's latest instrument [Axon](http://www.audiodamage.com/instruments/product.php?pid=AD026). I've fixed up some stuff in the…
kavin.'s avatar
improv on the Epi Standard tuning, capo at third fret.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Ring of Fire - lyrics by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash -1963. Slightly modified. This wasn't meant to be Ring of Fire but that's how it wound up. I have been wanting to trash Ring of Fire and the words just seem to fit this simple 1-4-5…
Rubber's avatar
Here's another tune from the Wild and Wacky world of Rubber. Special thanks to Erin - The Panes for lending us her magnificent voice. As usual, we tore it up and turned it up side down. Thanks again Erin. http://alonetone.com/thepanes Enjoy!
Project Ungidos's avatar
I used to blast this song so loudly in my little room - when that chorus hits, and that huge tidal wave of guitars, it is just breathtaking. And there is nothing I can say about the voice and aura of Armando Louder that hasn't already been said.
djrim's avatar
With Cigarette in My Hand - Lyrics It was, I remember, many years ago, When I had failed to distinguish between a friend and a foe, When they had invited me ,holding open the pack, When I lost to curiosity, instead of being taken aback, When…