dAb's listening history

Oblique St.'s avatar
No, not those kind of angels. Hope in the dark.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
A Song About an old Saying...... Sh*t Happens...... Lyrics T.Mokbul 2010 -In A Day- Half a Glass of Gasoline Mixed with Some Kerosene Stirred in with Coffee Laced with amphetamine All That it Takes in A Day To get by…
moschell's avatar
Just a short reprise of the first song on this years RPM album. Something to tie it all off so it doesn't keep bleeding.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Low-frills bass and piano piece. Not my usual fare (whatever that is), but still fun to create.
Ross Spencer's avatar
I'm going to pursue this one I think; the stepped up Jazz/drum n' bass/dub step angle. Ok the beats are just loops dropped in from GarageBand, but I had having fun shaping the track.
-t.'s avatar
-t.'s avatar
the scrunching crunch is from a messed up audio pixelating skype conversation with my brother.
-t.'s avatar
a little ukulele ditty.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
So I just figured out that the EXS24 sampler instrument in Logic Pro (the DAW I use) can also import SoundFont2 files, which I happened to have a bunch of from a previous life as a Cakewalk user. All the tracks in this tune were played using old…
Acid42's avatar
Of course, the title also reeks of jealousy because I couldn't create an IDM track even if I tried. So instead, here's a heavy, layered electronica track that reeks of faux glitchery and IDM-ishness.