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A 7-string song….

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

The older edges seem fine (the 91 Rad has one and its solid) but I've heard a lot of bad press from the 97 ones on - which gels to what I found personally. I will get a Sabre and a Power at some stage cause the 540's are pretty lovely. Finish an inch thick - you can't kill em! The HM has a real FR - but not the Low Pro which is my personal fave

Guest said

Big fan of Ibanez over here, but the older ones which are hard to find. They just don't make them like they used to. Ever since they switched over to Edge tremolos, I have been missing Floyd Rose so much. I have one Ibanez with a Floyd Rose bridge and I will have that thing in my will, haha!

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

I'm an 80's early 90's Washy fan - some of the high end KC's and MG's are real nice and are pretty cheap these days ;) Slap in a SD and you're laughing!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I like the sound of these Washburns man. You make them sing nicely.

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thank you for the nice comments Johhny - appreciate the feedback!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice guitar work mate very good.

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thanks for the feedbaxck SMW!!

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

great guitar sound!

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

I'll have to get another seven string at some stage. They've been a bit overused but sometimes they can be so cool to experiment with! Thanks!

Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance said

Alice in Chains comment seconded...great heavy groove and riffing here!

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

I was in a very doomy band at the time and this was a song that never made the cut when the band split...

Guest said

This is very Alice in Chains. Kick ass!
