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In Fear of Fright (RPM)

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Well, song 10 finally. A bit on the heavy side, some odd FX, strange vox, an Ibanez, The ever present harmonica, and some help from Illegal Alien Autopsy.
This was the first song I tracked for RPM. But, since my pen has run out of ink this month, I sent it over to that Alien Autopsy dude to see if perhaps there might be some unworldly lyrics out there that would fit and he said,“Sure, try this”. He also sent along some great ideas and the resulting metal mania fits nicely in to my RPM mixed bag o’tunes. This is clear evidence that I’ve gone completely bonkers.

In Fear of Fright

Ain’t it quaint
that death may die
that which isn’t dead
may eternally lie

the ego takes delight
in its fear of fright
that which isn’t dead
may eternally lie

the bare moon is full
and some odd things
will surface tonight
cause that which isn’t dead
wont eternally lie

©2010 Reyes - Lennon

Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

I dig the combination of guitar and harmonica (not something I thought I'd ever say). The vocal effects are surreal. It makes me think of some of Marilyn Manson's extremely stuff before he got big. Great song!

Guest said

I dig the guitar riff.

Guest said


Guest said

This is fantabulous sir!

Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance said

Digging the groove, and the harmonic (surprisingly?) sounds right at home.

Guest said

Yeah man!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track dig the harmonica.

yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

Another great one!

Guest said

This song is very FNG!

Guest said

well I must say that I rather enjoy this one very much! i like how there space in the music. because somehow i think I should always be saying something. I worry more about my lyrics than the music when I write something. It was nice to listen to this. the music is a hook in and of itself!

Guest said

This track kicks major ass!

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

i meant to say, nice, great track!

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

nice the guitars, and that harmonica.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Another listen! Awesome Track...

Guest said


Guest said

You really made those lyrics work. This song sounds creepy. Excellent.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Definitely like this direction.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Great swamp blues-rock. Deadly stuff.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Chugg and Harmonica!?!?!? You are a freaking Genius!!!!!! This works so Well Bro!!!!!! Evil Awesomeness!!!!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Reminds me of Deep Purple, one of my all-time favorite bands! I don't know how to insert the little headbangin' emoticon here, but do know that I am throwin' the devil horns and rockin' out!

Guest said

Hell yeah!!! fella.

Guest said

Yeah! Nice work fella.

launched's avatar
launched said

Dude, I love that avatar.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

love hearing harmonica in something this dark and heavy.. brilliant. great sound on the riff too. nice one chappy!

Guest said

Pretty cool stuff. Really well put together and dare I say I think you kept the best for last? Congrats for completing RPM.

Guest said

I love that profile pic. Let's give that little sucker a jolt of java. I want to hear him sing some wacky stuff for me in his chipmunk voice.

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Congrats on #10! Love the crunch of the guitar, er, AXE!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

WOOHOO! Heavy Geas!

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Really nice edgy guitar sound and cool vocal effect. Excellent track to finish your album. well done Geas!!

Guest said

Rock on.

Guest said


Guest said


Guest said

AND the harmonica is kikin sone major butt in conjunction with the guitar. Pretty F@#$#@# tight.

Guest said

alright man...we are calling in the nice gentlemen with the white jackets now. They are your I like what you have done..once again. Like the lyrics too. And .. I told you not to stop taking your meds. sheesh. ;)

Guest said

Muy fuckin' excellent Geas!!!

launched's avatar
launched said

This one digs in good!! Just the right touch of flanger, too. And cool, cool vox and harp. Excellent collab, guys! Kicks ass!!

Guest said

crazy kick ass lyrics, crunching guitars and the harmonica just adds more flavor. Great song man!!
