dannycampbell's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
dannycampbell's avatar
This is the Prozac version of the beloved and strangely haunting song 'Inchworm' as remembered from childhood. There are a couple of microphone glitches in the beginning. And it's pretty much improvised, I think this is the first time playing…
Sudara's avatar
added a bass. added the chorus, which i'll probably redo. added a bit of an ending. oh, and a smattering of pianer.
Sudara's avatar
David DeSoto is on the upright bass fiddle.
Sudara's avatar
A chillaxed and noodling instrumental with just my acoustic guitar and a tad bit o bass.
Sudara's avatar
After an adventure in re-recording the entire song down a third, we came back to the original, tightened and tuned. Always the self flagellating perfectionist, it still needs a bit more love. Always the pragmatist, it is probably done for now.
Sudara's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie](http://alonetone.com/sandbags/tracks/glitching-satie-1) track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
TheRoyalrey's avatar
I made this simple song to try out playing an acoustic guitar with an ebow. It works, but it's quite quiet. The movement of the fingers on the fretboard is louder than the sounds. I didn't use any effects on the guitar tracks. I recorded my voice…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I wanted to play more directly with noise of various kinds so this piece focuses less on techniques and fancy plugins and more on selection & arrangement of sounds. I spent many hours going through Reaktor ensembles I've downloaded searching…