Dave Grebin
Latest Music
Another original tune from Randy Arenson. I get to play a little harmonica on this one.
Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
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I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
This one is dedicated to my dear friend John. Thanks for changing my life for the better....
Also a big thanks to our own Greg Connor who helped me get the chords for my own uke accompaniment, and who kindly played the beautiful guitars…
Here's the first of several versions that you'll see from a collaboration across the inter webs started by Greg Connor. He got us together on the Zoom and then look what happened!!!! Music and lyrics collaborated with the talents of Steve Krell…
Another original tune from Randy Arenson. I get to play a little harmonica on this one.
Due to climate change we've had little rain in the last couple of years
The day after I had written this song it rained all day :-)
The third year of drought
Three summers in a row
A relentless…
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Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
Another original tune from Randy Arenson. I get to play a little harmonica on this one.
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Another original tune from Randy Arenson. I get to play a little harmonica on this one.
Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
Another original tune from Randy Arenson. I get to play a little harmonica on this one.
Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
Harmonica geek and newer recording engineer. Also play some guitar and ukelele.
from Minneapolis, US
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