diegesisfreak's listening history

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Mr Smith and the Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co. Thanks to thetworegs for the vocals.
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Prog rock instromental with Marios Marcou on clarinet.
tituscrow's avatar
An old song, written when I was in my REM phase; strange, it didn't seem to turn out anything like that in the end. This was also a live take where inexplicably, I changed the whole feel of the song this is the only version with this feel - enjoy…
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Once upon a rainy day, we were out in the farm fields waiting on the sun to break through the gloom. We arrived in this dark world naked and were washed clean waiting for the sun. Little darling, here it comes...
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Once upon a rainy day, we were out in the farm fields waiting on the sun to break through the gloom. We arrived in this dark world naked and were washed clean waiting for the sun. Little darling, here it comes...
Figblots & Chylum's avatar
Djörk's avatar
If Ennio Morricone and Dr. Dre smoked a buttload of crack and decided to collaborate, except that one of them thought he was writing a soundtrack for the Godfather Part 11, and the other for Phantom of the Opera, Part 2, The Unwanted Sequel…
Djörk's avatar
If Ennio Morricone and Dr. Dre smoked a buttload of crack and decided to collaborate, except that one of them thought he was writing a soundtrack for the Godfather Part 11, and the other for Phantom of the Opera, Part 2, The Unwanted Sequel…