doktordoktor's listening history
There was a part of the verse that I couldn't get to sound right so I had to just cut it out.
Just one of those things where I sat down and started recording and this stuff came out. Hope you like it.
Turn my head
You're someone talking to me
I've been the fool
for longer than I should.
Just when it ends
it begins again
I don't have the boots to
start again.
This is goodbye
You don't have to cry
I'll be with you
when the…
Heaven knows I can wait
But I won't if it's all the same
Fields are crawling in my eyes
for miles
Feels like I've been left
Once in a nightmare
I knew you then
I think we were related,
I'm not sure
maybe we were strangers.
We'd look in windows and climb
the trees that grew,
and if it'd rained outside
we'd take off our shoes.
And when I'd see you
I would…
My light-hearted take on a serious issue.
Over- prescription of powerful and addictive drugs, and the unknown and (to some) worrying relationship between doctors and the drug companies.
Disclaimer: Dr. Kreviss is a fictional character, and any…