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Will The Night

Endicott Road

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A song about making choices.

Life moves in small steps
By the choices we all make.
We decide by will and pride
The path we’d like to take.

And the places we end up
And the people we will know
We’ll see, you and me
By where we choose to go.

My choices have brought me here
And brought me to you.
I can see in your eyes
That you want to be here too.

Will the night be kind to us?
Only one way to tell.
If we are good together
The night will treat us well.

It’s funny how things are
And how things do turn out.
Sometime, we might find
That we will scream and shout.

No one knows the future.
Not for sure I’d say.
A joyful cry, you and I,
Will greet a brand new day.

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice job....

drorkessler's avatar
drorkessler said

Yea ... at first this seems like a standard rock song ... but after listening to the words ... its good-old preaching time! ... nice

Guest said

Optomistic song here Terry! Your backing music is rockingly good! Merry Christmas

Guest said

Digging the raunchy backing music! Happy song for the holidays, ER!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Polished track E.R. Good to hear something new from you. I dig the cool guitar wah-wah break.

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