erocnet's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
I revisit Gregor Samsa with the aid of EOB strat and various effects and manipulations. Voice by Librivox
kavin.'s avatar
For 2011 RPM Challenge album John the Resonator A Sword and Sorcery parody. With Elvis. Daughter Brit sang the vocal in the middle part. Elvis was the mountain king Who ruled the land of El-Karyaang His wife Priscilla lady fair Was taken…
vaisvil's avatar
24 edo is quarter-tone music - two guitar tracks with chord and lead more or less alternating from normal tuning to a quarter-tone below standard pitch.
trawnajim's avatar
A sort of beat-box loop, reversed and recorded at four different playback speeds, with a little reverb added to sweeten things up a bit. Submitted to Sound-In "Time Machine" for 28/4 - 5/5/2022.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
An electronic piece done in Pure Data and mixed live to an EHX 2880 then back to digital for the mp3.
Newbold's avatar
todays performance --- most about this part is where the performance was broadcasted from ---- the video/audio became glitchy after the crash at the end of the performance that dropped my out of the final notes of what I was doing.
Breaking Light's avatar
Incorporating some Kaossilator app beats
trawnajim's avatar
Test recording of voice modified by a EHX Voice Box on vocoder setting; the modulating signal is the sound from a one-string instrument made from an old crutch. Post production involved adding two copies of the original mono track, panned slightly…
erocnet's avatar
Source: Keyboard
vaisvil's avatar
Prophet 12 desk module, Oxygen 25, 31 notes per octave tuning. Knob twiddling.