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Reminded me of you


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I had the music for this for about three months , and the lyrics for about a year , one day i just happened to start singing and playing them together and bingo , this is done live

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

A good match.....

Guest said

Gorgeous, sad, original. you are lovely !!!XXX

lgh's avatar
lgh said

In my minds ear, I can hear a violin playing thru this... Excellent song Rob! LG

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I really enjoyed your tracks. I'll be back for more. I'm sure. Thanks man.

Guest said

Wow, love your voice...heartfelt, tender, beautiful performance!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

I like this song even more then Geurnica - if that's possible. I could listen to your voice for hours.

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