Frankenstein Sound Lab's listening history

annias's avatar
Eerie dub inspired by Terminator, enjoy this hybrid ride between Dubstep and Breaks!
annias's avatar
Eerie dub inspired by Terminator, enjoy this hybrid ride between Dubstep and Breaks!
Sudara's avatar
This is a piece written for 37signals, made to accompany a [fun video they did on Letterpress printing]( The track is best listened to in context of the video, since it's scored…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Did this back in 2009. Before me and Jim actually met each other... The music was improvised to the notion of returning home from space. Jim did the Lyrics in 5 mins over the net.. And here it is.. My Harmonica was broken by the way. My…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
hahah had to
uglifruit's avatar
08 What’s Wrong With This Picture? Here we are again Exchanging fluids And Exchanging made up numbers Temporarily tattooed on the backs of our hands With a biro the bar tender lent us Never intending to see if the numbers really add up…
Endicott Road's avatar
This is my most angry song. Sodom And Gamorrah (c)2010 Terry A. Beckett How many times have we seen it? Headline the evening news. How many faces have been featured While the tabloids expose the ruse? How many sweet young things Have tried…
lilbez's avatar
lilbez's avatar
Brice Plays Drums's avatar