Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks)'s listening history

Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks)'s avatar
Recorded this pretty quickly... 2 acoustic tracks(cheapo garage sale yamaha recorded with a sure 58 duck taped to my table because I forgot my microphone stand at practice),hohner harmonica, midi bass (kontakt) and addictive drums, vocals sure…
Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks)'s avatar
Recorded this pretty quickly... 2 acoustic tracks(cheapo garage sale yamaha recorded with a sure 58 duck taped to my table because I forgot my microphone stand at practice),hohner harmonica, midi bass (kontakt) and addictive drums, vocals sure…
the owl and the octopus's avatar
Audio sketch of new graphic score I'm working on. created in garageband.
JD McLeod's avatar
Pining away for that loved one who can't or won't be there. Those stars are the link between us. Who else shares those stars? Acoustic by redkirk
Three Trees's avatar
captgene's avatar
Ever been to a free beer party?
thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
vaisvil's avatar
Apologies to George but I love the song. Its shocking to find out that Paul and John rejected it until George dragged Eric to the studio one day. Imagine the White Album without this... no effects of any type on this for good or ill.
Andrew Russe's avatar
**** Jan 17 2015 - Remixed. I was always kinda disappointed with what the original mix sounded like. Listening to it the other day I realised what it is - I'd mixed the vocals too loud. This reduced the "stereo" and killed off a lot of the life…
JR James's avatar
A quick lil uptempo shuffle I put together. Thru down a bass line and a some guitar utilizing the split coil JB-1 humbucker in the bridge position.