Comments on Gary Fox's stuff

Gary Fox's avatar
Originally conceived as a mellow-ish, Stephen Stills sounding number (at least the verses), then the chorus came to me out of nowhere and turned the whole song on it's ear. I think that was for the better. I have to admit that I surprised myself…
Guest said

Have spent a very pleasant morning being "rocked" by you, Gary, I must say your harmonies are very tight, thank you.

Gary Fox's avatar
This one is a personal favorite of mine, though it got savaged on Ah well... It has a lot of parts, lots of gtrs, and boatloads of harmonies. Actually, one guy on Garageband loved it. Maybe some day I will buy him a drink. Listen…
Guest said

Most excellent track. Who do you sound like, I wonder? Lovely full sound.

Gary Fox's avatar
This was another fun one for me, especially doing the backing vocals. The song is a bit haphazard, structurally speaking, and my performance has some technical issues, but it was just fun to play. The riff came to me early one, but kept elluding…
Guest said


Gary Fox's avatar
This was another fun one for me, especially doing the backing vocals. The song is a bit haphazard, structurally speaking, and my performance has some technical issues, but it was just fun to play. The riff came to me early one, but kept elluding…
Guest said

Nice Work Gary! Shaun

Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
Guest said

Love this tune! God save the Queen!

Gary Fox's avatar
What's rock and roll without a yee-haw or war-whoop before a solo? This ragged piece of something or other came from a riff I had laying around for a couple of years. I pieced it together kind of last minute for RPM 2006. It's not bad, a lot…
Guest said

This is a really well played and produced track Gary, I was actually sending you a message to say that we really appreciate your comments, ha ha and heard this.

Gary Fox's avatar
One of the songfight inspired titles for RPM 2007. This was also picked out of a hat. This one is the mother of all semitone slide bass/root note chord smashers. It's everywhere. The lyrics are some of my favorite, though most people have no idea…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Enjoying your stuff Gary. Thanks for the comments as well. That was ebow on the "timekeeper" cut. I'll check out more of your stuff when I have a bit more time. Love the chorus on this BTW

Gary Fox's avatar
This song is done in a dropped F tuning. I won't bore you with the tuning itself, but the same tuning makes an appearance in Consequence, Painted Tense, 70 and others. My favorite part of the song is the verse after the solo. For some reason I…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Excellent! Love the kinda Beatlesque vocals and the guitar sounds!!

Gary Fox's avatar
With a title like this, you have to listen once, right? There's a lot to tell about this one, but instead I will just say I had a lot of fun doing all the gtr parts on this one. I also really like the bass part in the chorus, which sounds a bit…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I agree. And I've said that, in abstentia, to many a girlfriend. ER

Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Liked this track a lot. Nice harmonies. ER

Gary Fox's avatar
This is my stadium anthem, the one to close the show with. Everyone put your lighters (or cellphones) in the air and sing along... I was sick as **** when I recorded it, so my vocals on it are really pretty bad. Ah well, that's rock and roll…
Guest said

Great CD, really enjoyed it (a few times) this afternoon.

Gary Fox's avatar
What's rock and roll without a yee-haw or war-whoop before a solo? This ragged piece of something or other came from a riff I had laying around for a couple of years. I pieced it together kind of last minute for RPM 2006. It's not bad, a lot…
Guest said

Great riff, Gary! EXCELLENT track!

Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
Guest said

Thanks for uploading, Gary! There's definitely more room in my life for a little more Fox! This track is feelgood-fantastic.

Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Oh Yeah- This ROCKS. Love those guitar tones. Makes me wish I still had my old SG

Gary Fox's avatar
This was another fun one for me, especially doing the backing vocals. The song is a bit haphazard, structurally speaking, and my performance has some technical issues, but it was just fun to play. The riff came to me early one, but kept elluding…
Guest said

Great collection of songs Gary, I particularly like this one. It rocks.

Gary Fox's avatar
Another of the three songfight inspired titles. Painted Tense (the title) actually came from a band name generator website. I thought it might make a good song title so I submitted it to the RPM HQ person doing the name-from-a-hat picking. I would…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Gary I like your song and the only I would change would be to mellow out the vocal track. It's a bit loud in the mix. Otherwise great j0b

Gary Fox's avatar
One of the songfight inspired titles for RPM 2007. This was also picked out of a hat. This one is the mother of all semitone slide bass/root note chord smashers. It's everywhere. The lyrics are some of my favorite, though most people have no idea…
Guest said

Really enjoyed your tracks, tell you what - awesome through headphones!

Gary Fox's avatar
This is a track of serendipity (is that how you spell that?) I was hours from deadline, lots of mixing left to do, and this track was FAR from done. I love the congas in this one. In general, this is a fun one for me. For once I actually don't…
Guest said

Raunchy Fox.

Gary Fox's avatar
Backwards acoustic! In synch with the beat! How did he do that? I was messing with the acoustic and it was sounding too '67 for me, so I decided to throw a hip-hop beat on it. I kind of like the holes in it, as well as the harmonies. It doesn…
Guest said

So good!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Another of the three songfight inspired titles. Painted Tense (the title) actually came from a band name generator website. I thought it might make a good song title so I submitted it to the RPM HQ person doing the name-from-a-hat picking. I would…
Guest said

Great tune Gary!!
