Sandy Gritt's listening history
Written for/about Ben Montgomery. Answering machine messages wondering where he might be are from yours truly and Jason Biehler, his two closest friends who were always trying to track him down.
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it.
This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Also known as Cooking With Condiments!
A snack. Nothing much of substance in the cupboards or fridge, but doesn't mean you should go without eating.
9. One big Eurocity
The title is nicked from a line in a Tuxedomoon-song. I wanted to have lyrics for this one about travelling and coming across similarities in different cities in Europe. But, alas, no time left. It's an instrumental now.
The Dutch painter Mondrian was apparantly a fervent dancer to Boogie Woogie and that image stuck because he seems such a stiff guy otherwise. So I thought that would make a funny subject for a dance-tune. Normally I wouldn't make a song about…
Haitian rhythm bed with kalimba and Ney and synthflute. Rejected for its original purpose as being 'too jazzy' ;)
The rhythmns and kalimba were old favorites that I had not adapted to anything. Added flute and textures for a website project…