Groove Penguin's listening history

Hemogoblin's avatar
lsd25's avatar
The wall that protect us from the empty vastness also entrap us inside a steel cage. Free to watch the universe apart but never to travel it free of these limits these steel walls.
monopoli's avatar
9. One big Eurocity The title is nicked from a line in a Tuxedomoon-song. I wanted to have lyrics for this one about travelling and coming across similarities in different cities in Europe. But, alas, no time left. It's an instrumental now.
thetworegs's avatar
Got the rusty £16 guitar out for this one a Sunday doodle in the rain..........
thetworegs's avatar
I found an old Blues book in an Oxfam charity shop by Jerry Silverman, heres one of the tunes from it. Which i have Regged up a little...........
Ross Spencer's avatar
Djörk's avatar
Another experiment... This time in Spanish 2/25/12: Somehow the original file got broken, so I had to re-upload this... nothing new here, except I lost all my nice comments :(
Groove Penguin's avatar
This track took a bit longer than expected to complete, however it's been one of our favorites in a while. It all started on night after leaving gig and we'd needed a little something to spice it up on the dance floor. Hence, we began something…
Groove Penguin's avatar
This track took a bit longer than expected to complete, however it's been one of our favorites in a while. It all started on night after leaving gig and we'd needed a little something to spice it up on the dance floor. Hence, we began something…
Groove Penguin's avatar
This track took a bit longer than expected to complete, however it's been one of our favorites in a while. It all started on night after leaving gig and we'd needed a little something to spice it up on the dance floor. Hence, we began something…