Gumbo's listening history

Mitchell white's avatar
this music is a reflection of my darker side, i wrote it when i first became a vegan and took mind to animal rights. i guess everyone has anger somewhere in them.
Mitchell white's avatar
this music is a reflection of my darker side, i wrote it when i first became a vegan and took mind to animal rights. i guess everyone has anger somewhere in them.
The Checkers Speech's avatar
A rough demo of my latest song. It ends abruptly after 1:15, but you'll get the gist of it. Please let me know your thoughts!
The Checkers Speech's avatar
A rough demo of my latest song. It ends abruptly after 1:15, but you'll get the gist of it. Please let me know your thoughts!
Gumbo's avatar
A one hour track start to finish - words music and all the faffing around at the end to get the levels right. It's a ghost story. So go get your cocoa now! And a Murder ballad and a love story (but aren't they all). Old Conor Higgins…
Gumbo's avatar
A one hour track start to finish - words music and all the faffing around at the end to get the levels right. It's a ghost story. So go get your cocoa now! And a Murder ballad and a love story (but aren't they all). Old Conor Higgins…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
justmerritt's avatar
lots of left and right stereo, lots of back and forth of right and wrong. my conscience is clear.
The Red Cow Society's avatar
About doing the right thing even when it's hard. The hole in the wall is a metaphor. Seriously, don't think too hard about it.