Gumbo's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
- just messing. - three guitars and an improvising night tripper ;~) My mind is gone all the way back round to the beginning ... So listen up!
Colin Garvey's avatar
A cautionary tale. Tune shamelessly stolen from "All About You" by McFly.
TheRoyalrey's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
Sam was a very articulate and kind friend; he spend way too much of his life in a wheel chair and yet demonstrated a lot of grace. We lost him just over a year ago. Among many other unexpected, Christ-like kindnesses, he realized at one point…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
This is the first of my 3 states of water: Liquid
yahondu's avatar
Vocals and percussion are courtesy of another recent alonetoner, K. Scot Sparks. While recording a simple guitar track in Kev's garage, things got intersting when we opened the garage door, and let the sounds of this huge flock of birds in the…
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Using cha cha and rhumba beats from the 1958 record album "Rhythm Accompaniment", with all other instruments played by the composer. Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge.
monopoli's avatar
The Dutch painter Mondrian was apparantly a fervent dancer to Boogie Woogie and that image stuck because he seems such a stiff guy otherwise. So I thought that would make a funny subject for a dance-tune. Normally I wouldn't make a song about…
TheRoyalrey's avatar
heathermarie's avatar