Gumbo's listening history

Colin Garvey's avatar
moschell's avatar
Fun little tune about the evils of strong drink.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
A cover of David Marcoullier's excellent piece. All lyrics and music are by him, and this is just my version.
David Marcouillier's avatar
I was thinking about a guy that I met one time in the street in Montreal who was just kind of aimlessly wandering about Canada following the death of his son... Manitoba: I’m on my way, on my way, On my way back to Dufresne… I remember…
Al's left hand's avatar
Words are from a sestina of the same title by Steve Davenport, who asked us to make music out of it! This was a terribly fun song to record. We did it, of course, while drinking. Thankfully no instruments were harmed.
Al's left hand's avatar
Started recording this with no idea what to do with the sound. Wound up with three different vocal takes to choose from, didn't like any of them, used all of them.
Al's left hand's avatar
Good old dulcimer bash-up. This is certainly the most aggressive song I've played on dulcimer. I'm sure all those people with solid-body electric dulcimers have done worse...
Al's left hand's avatar
I lit a string on fire...
Al's left hand's avatar
I (Al) wrote this song way back, just before the start of the current Iraq war. But it comes back to my mind every time a politician utters words matching a regex something like /(capture and )?kill (Osama )?Bin Laden/. It happened to be Obama…
Al's left hand's avatar
Musical tribute to the ideas of Jane Jacobs (author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities) and Christopher Alexander (author of The Timeless Way of Building).