I Among Giants's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.
Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.
Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.
thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.
S.F. Mabeht's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
This was written during the challenge in february and was meant to be the title track. But I never really got time to develop it. I still like it though, so I thought I'd cut it rough, leave it undeveloped, and chuck it out there to see what you…
kavin.'s avatar
Something different for me, a piano improv. Right hand only. One track each of delayed piano and strings recorded independently then combined.
Jeff Archer's avatar
Jeff Archer - Guitar Joe Lafata - Keyboard Bass Matt Stahl - Drums This is my personal favorite of the 5 jams.
As Sick As Us's avatar
A sad tale of insanity & cruelty.