ic42's listening history

Circuit Tree's avatar
didn't know what to call this track, but once i came up with a title, it wrote itself! i heard on npr about how all this junk of ours is making outerspace around Earth a very dangerous place to be. this track is trying to reflect that danger.
jennifer's avatar
Also for the film, "Pattern Pattern," this goes with a scene of an artist. First you see him up close for a moment. He's drawing. Then you see him walking a distant ridge at dusk.
jennifer's avatar
More vocalizing and mashing for the soundtrack for my artist friend's film, "Pattern Pattern." This accompanies a scene of lights flashing in and out of sequence.
J dY Stamp's avatar
The live is being changed
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
red cowboy and hot burrito were recordings done for a friend of mine who wanted to check out his new (old) drum machine. Both drum parts are constructed from prerecorded beats (from presets or previous owner, I don't know) and have 4-5 bass tracks…
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
When I put these last 3 songs on itunes, my computer did something weird. It told me that these songs were already out there on the internet somewhere. So, in order not to infringe on any copyright laws, I would like to assure everyone that NONE…
key88's avatar
A short project in a community college protools class where we had to create a song from what ever we could record in the class, like key chains ect.. It made me think of a scene in a movie where the submarine is diving.
Coeur Machant's avatar
This song was written to celebrate freedom, actually, (the Russian at the end is one of the dudes from Freesound.com saying "sound should be free!") after a decade when I wasn't. Props to Shreya, who apparently is like me and will just not go…
glu's avatar
is not enough
layby's avatar