informal grae's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is fed up with being judged on his mental health..Care in the community...what a joke...track no3 for the RPM...... Care in the Community (Lyrics) I’ve been shaken down to what i really am and i am really nothing like you or you or you…
Lady Jane's avatar
I tried to write a harmony and some lyrics and failed miserably *sigh*. I originally called this 'Inside my mind', but I've renamed to suit :) Enjoy x
Lady Jane's avatar
I was brought up listening to The Beatles, and the weather this week has compelled me to do this sunshiney cover. Enjoy and have a happy weekend! xox
Greg Connor's avatar
I don't know why . . . it just came out this way. I'm using a new Line 6 M13 pedal board and experimenting a little.
Greg Connor's avatar
First song of the *RPM Challenge 2013*
Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
Lady Jane's avatar
My first attempt at making music!
vaisvil's avatar
All source files come from apps on my phone. This is best if you download the 200M video and play full screen
informal grae's avatar
Says what it does on the tin. Christmas 2012 was not a good time - angst let out in a song! Just picked up the guitar and strummed out a loy of feelings with no real plan or lyrics.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
a song demo i sent out to the band a few weeks ago. a bit of a tribute to The Who. a few nods in there. i hear a little Moschell and Alex Moody in there too. we will see how it works itself out. M.F.