Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff

James Michael Taylor's avatar
PEGGY'S GONE Capo @ 3 in C C G Peggy's gone, after twenty nine years Am F Three grown children. What…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Paul Smith James Michael Taylor I freaking love your music.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Randy Brown I think everyone was hesitant to encourage the final solution. I love the melody and the sadness of the lyrics.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Dene Colwill You are truly one of the greatest song writers of this decade. Right there with Paul Simon and Gordon Lightfoot in my opinion. All I can say off that sadness and anger is still strong pray to God for peace as only he holds the way to you being able to let b it go. You can't change other people or events that have happened, but you can learn to forgive and change how YOU react to them. If you ever feel nobody cares or will listen, call me. I'll find time and make the time to meet with you or listen over the phone. Don't let depression or anger beat you down for too long old friend. Like Reply2h Active James Michael Taylor I write songs to explain my situation to myself. Considering it all I might just be the happiest person I know.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
"Somewhere between the stumbling and the falling..." SOMEWHERE G capo @ 2 - live @ 4 Somewhere between the summer and the winter The leaves between the tree tops and the fall Somewhere between my heart and circled letters Somewhere…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lazarus Knight Sometimes you post a song with a link that brings up an album. I don't always listen to the full album because of the rush of life. But I'm trying to remember one of the very recent ones ... I think it (the song)_ was called "Sometime". It is so beautifully poetic and the feeling is passed along so gracefully. It is truly an expression of sweet sorrow, or more accurately, a sweet expression of the numbing pain of loss. It is the thing that my story songs just don't quite do. Lazarus Knight

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
Guest said

Your imagery, as always, is superb, Jim: poignant and compelling. Comparing the lasting effects of a broken relationship to a ghost town made me feel close to tears.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Brian Gagnon I fought this feeling by staying angry. 30+ years later, I'm still angry.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
"Somewhere between the stumbling and the falling..." SOMEWHERE G capo @ 2 - live @ 4 Somewhere between the summer and the winter The leaves between the tree tops and the fall Somewhere between my heart and circled letters Somewhere…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Tim Tandy The mood of this song reminds me of John Denver's "Perhaps Love." He explained that he wrote it when he was no longer in a relationship but that, while there was sorrow and pain, there was also the beautiful memory of love to see him through. You've captured the bittersweetness -so different from melancholy - of the best haiku poems.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Tim Tandy Whew.............

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Randy Brown and I did a little co-write this evening and this is what we came up with... I MISTOOK IT FOR THE MOON Capo @ 2 Key D (Play in C positions) I was coasting across West Texas/Had my top down, it was late at night I caught a coyote…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Haunting. A different take on driving a dark desert highway, cool wind in your hair....Tim Tandy

James Michael Taylor's avatar
"Somewhere between the stumbling and the falling..." SOMEWHERE G capo @ 2 - live @ 4 Somewhere between the summer and the winter The leaves between the tree tops and the fall Somewhere between my heart and circled letters Somewhere…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Jere Reiser Beautiful and Haunting. It is not we, who summon ghosts from the past. Rather it is we who haunt our past. It's like going back to the present. In some instances, I suffer from being the perpetrator and can't avoid picking at the scab. But that's just me.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Ken Gaines Well, my friend, I'm glad you haven't ridden that bullet yet. Meanwhile, I miss swapping songs with you.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
"Somewhere between the stumbling and the falling..." SOMEWHERE G capo @ 2 - live @ 4 Somewhere between the summer and the winter The leaves between the tree tops and the fall Somewhere between my heart and circled letters Somewhere…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I dig it - Raechel Frice

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

David Young Very sad song but your lyrics are wonderfully written, as always. You are a musical treasure!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Kat Angel Heartfelt and beautiful.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
VIDEO - GHOST TOWN   capo @ 2 in C C Em F G C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Leslie Young Sad song.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE TIDE POOLS OF CALIFORNIA capo @ 5 in C When you’re born in California There are things you take for granted The sunshine and the desert and The forests, and bears and the beach In the tide pools of California In the memories of…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Bruce Balmer I like the parallel sixths in the backing vocals.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
I wrote this song with Lisa Aschmann. CAPO @ 3 Video - HICKORY STIX Dm Am Billy Mac and Don McCray drive to work each dawn at six Down the mountain to the factory, makes…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Tim Tandy Hickory Stix has always captivated me. Dang, I gotta start getting out to open mics again. Might even get the chance to sing that high harmony on the "oohs!"

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SLAUGHTER MOUNTAIN My mom’s dad was a coal miner. Her mother died of TB when she was a kid. When she was twelve, her dad, dying of black lung, slit his throat with a butcher knife. That left her with a cripple little brother to take care of…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Rose Jeffus - I agree. (with Lane. "I declare this album your #1 compilation."

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WATERMELON WIND Capo @ 3 Key G On a (G) road outside of Brownsboro there’s a (Bm) watermelon stand Dm Dm - E All boarded and bedraggled, fallen signs peak thru the sand Am…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Watermelon Wind is a good one too. Really inspiring images Lazarus Knight

James Michael Taylor's avatar
OH JIMMY capo @ 4 or 5 live C Am F G On page thirty of the yearbook he found a picture sweet A girl named Marie Angel, in school right down the street Dm walk down G He didn’t notice…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Yes, it is obvious to anyone who actually listens to follow the story. The killer line ... the picture that finishes breaking what's left of the listener's heart is "but Jimmy bought the yearbook, and he hold it now and then". Lazarus Knight
