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After we’re broken we will turn from a fight
Ask what it pays and not if it’s right
Reaching for balance while falling from grace
Fall from the light without losing our face

After we’re broken we know it’s too late
We don’t trim our lamps. We don’t knock at the gate.
Pressing our ear to the crack in the wall
We’re straining for whispers while we’re missing the ball

After we’re broken we’ll sit thru the show
When we’re tired and we’re sure that it’s moving too slow
We know it’s the truth. No more and no less.
We nod when they curse. We sneeze when they bless.

After we’re broken, the songs are all true
They tell what we feel. They say what we do.
We all keep on running tho it’s not for the prize
We run from the past and the smoke in our eyes

After we’re broken we can sleep anywhere
It’s not so important, what we eat, what we wear
Our mind must have something to call it away
From the things of the past and what we lost yesterday

After we’re broken, we can not be hurt
We’ve turned from the sky after we’ve tasted the dirt
Only the broken are broken in rhyme
And what’s broken in spirit can’t be mended in time

After we’re broken, we’re less likely to blame
Our folks for failing because now we’ve done the same
We’ve learned why so many decide to submit
We’ve turned loose of our dream. There’s no future in it.

After we’re broken we can be nonchalant
We’ll take what we’re given because we’ve missed what we want. Chasing a rain bow is fine for a lark
But where is the bow when it rains in the dark
(c) 2000 Royal T Music
