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She hears the termites in the wall while he’s sleeping
He can’t even hear the phone from outside
She smells the cigarette from neighbors out smoking
He’s got a nose but best she figures it died

She likes the bed made up but he leaves it messy
She’s always cold. He’s always hot.
She locks the doors. He leaves them standing wide open
She cranks the windows shut but he’d rather not
She’s such a pretty thing. What does she see in him?

He eats a plate-full while she’s taking a nibble
She likes to taste her food. He gobbles it down
She runs the air. He hangs his arm out the window
She’s next to modest while he’s more of a clown
She’s such a pretty thing. What does she see in him?

She drives a Volvo. He likes his old Chevy
She cleans the super charger. He mows the lawn
She gets unanimous, while he’s always iffy
You’ve got the point by now so we will move on

This guy at work said, “What a jerk. She’s such a pretty thing, what does she see in him.”

Now, there they go, holding hands and smiling. Just laughing and acting silly.
His name was Paul Ellis. I heard he died shortly after I quit union work…because Peggy left me for the sound man at Bass Hall.
(c) 2000 Royal T Music
