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Written for the movie THE STONE RAFT

Que Paso capo @ 5 in G

Am/G x3
G G bass Em Am bass G bass F#
The man on the radio said we are falling apart
Am bass G bass F# G
Falling apart. Que Pasa?
The words on the front of the paper say we are
drifting away, drifting away.” Que Pasa
Em C D
Nunca me a gustado la gasolina
Em C D
Me rio qundo el buay a la la maquina
G Em Am D
La risa de los ninios se Esta meriondo
Am D G
Esta meriondose, Que Paso

Am B C G
I’m sorry, if I fail to find the news within the news
Em Am C
One stormy night I dreamed I snatched the hand of peace
from the jaws of the peace keepers

And as I push the pillow from my bed I can’t recall
Is it my memory, oh es me memoria
The voices that speak for my heart
Tell me I’m drifting away. Breaking away
Que Paso

(c) 2000 Royal T Music

Dick/Richard bowden

Guest said

After years of consideration, I am now ready to announce: "Best JMT Album!" This is it... you are listening to it now... QUE PASO Sure, there are other albums which are deserving... but this album gets the distinction because it is one solid JMT song after another. This album has a very good selection of songs on the playlist, and it has very good sound and voice quality to the recordings. And of course... this album has some of the best JMT lyrics he ever wrote! For those of you who are asking, "Hey! Just who the hell are you to make such a declaration?!" My answer: Just ask Jimmy. Jimmy may not agree with my choice, but I believe he will confirm that he will damn sure consider my submission.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Tony Desmuke Thanks for writing such a great song and sharing it.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Tony Desmuke I just listened to it as well. Happy that I did, it's great

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Denver Williams James Michael Taylor that is a killer title track, just listened, wow!

Guest said

To anyone wandering around the JMT collection: If you have not listened to this album, you should! It is a great collection of great work. (suggested by JQM)
