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My mom’s dad was a coal miner. Her mother died of TB when she was a kid. When she was twelve, her dad, dying of black lung, slit his throat with a butcher knife. That left her with a cripple little brother to take care of and a bunch of big brothers and sisters to take care of her.

When I come to the end of that old dirt road
where the berries all grow on the fence and the
trail wanders down to the water’s edge
and the footprints of all her old friends.

She told John, once, if she hadn’t stuck with her guns as often as she did, she wouldn’t have been right as often as she was.. So, he put that on a piece of paper and framed it and hung it on the wall so we could all remember her strategy in life.

And tho I follow in the footsteps of my friends and the road I walk down has been tramped into stone, the tears that I cry will have been turned into dust and my life will pass like a shadow into the shade.

Where the crickets are fiddling at midnight and the toad frogs all sing to the moon, all the grasshoppers listening and smiling and the coyotes howling the tune.

When I come to the end of life’s journey and I’m facing my last setting sun, it’s “Good-bye” to this old worn out body and the hope for a shiny new one.

(C) 2007 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Larry Spann I miss him, too. When he gave me that album he told me I had to check you out. He said Townes van Zandt is a great writer, but he didn’t like everything Townes wrote. He liked EVERYTHING you wrote!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Larry Spann Great album! My first of yours. John DeFoore gave it to me about 15 years ago.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

David Young That’s the album that got me started loving your music! I used to listen to it often on my drive to work and back.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Candy Davis I love that album. You gifted it to me a long time ago, and I still think about those hapless men becoming ill and dying, making hickory handled hardware. And "Help!' raises so many emotions in me--that people would just stand on the shore and do nothing while you risked your life alone to save that boy. All of the songs on Slaughter Mountain are ones that are so well written and so memorable!

Guest said

Fantastic, poignant, great imagery. You have a beautiful voice.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Kat Angel James Michael Taylor awesome 💞 Your song is incredibly beautiful and soulful. My fav part was your narrative at the beginning. Haunting. My sister's name is Loretta 💕 My mom ....chose her namesake to tag her beautiful baby girl. Time. Goes. By.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Rose Jeffus - I agree. (with Lane. "I declare this album your #1 compilation."

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lane Beauvais By the power invested in me, I declare this album your #1 compilation.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Wow! I sampled all the songs, it’s a great album and I will listen to it more tomorrow. Thank you! Ken Mcintyre
