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They’re stopping cars near Tyler
Just want to check your breath
They think they can prevent another death
And a skunk is eating June bugs beneath a light in Cedar Hill
Before day light, he’s sure to get his fill

Texas nights. Southern lights
I’m a Northern boy and I can’t enjoy my misconceptions
I’ve seen the beauty of the plain, and the rain
The Texas rain

The crawfish don’t like chlorine so they shun the public pool
I suppose they all come from an older school
And the locus in the pecan tree buzz out a sweet refrain
And I’m clinging to my Northern Pride in vain

Texas nights. Southern lights
I’m a Northern boy and I can’t enjoy my misconceptions
I’ve seen the beauty of the plain, and the rain
The Texas rain

You know, the only fox I’ve seen all year lies rotting by the road
Some cosmic cowboy hit him with his car
And there’s no one at the post office to take my parcel post
And I’m as wet as a Tarrant County bar

Texas nights. Southern lights
I’m a Northern boy and I can’t enjoy my misconceptions
I’ve seen the beauty of the plain, and the rain
The Texas rain

They erode my misconceptions
I’ve seen the beauty of the plain
And the rain, the Texas rain

(c) 1990 Royal T Music
That’s RaByn playing drums, guitar and bass. He was about 12.

milocraft's avatar
milocraft said

My wife is from Texas and we just had to give this a listen. We were very impressed. I love your voice. I also like the song writing. Great stuff.
