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James Michael Taylor

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Yesterday Rick Babb came over to Fort Worth
to deliver some production stuff to the concert hall
to be used by Ricky Nelson’s twin sons during their
performance. We had dinner together and he came over to the
house to kill some time until the concert was over, at which time he would gather up his
stuff and head back to Dallas.

About the time Rick and I got back to the house
Toy, my youngest son came by and wanted me to go to Arlington with him
to buy a five channel receiver to put with my home theater set up in the basement.
I told Rick to write a song while I was gone and then I would record it when I got back.

So, when I got back I said, “What have you got?”
He said, “Not much.”
We headed to the basement and he put down guitar and voice tracks.
Then he had to head out so I stayed in the basement and added a bass,
drums and harmonies and a bit of keys.

(Since then I have finished writing words for the open line in verse two and a new two lines for verse three…)

This is what he calls NOT MUCH: WHY YOU ARE SO GOOD TO ME.

r.babb J m taylor 05 2012 ft worth texas

  1. When the mornin’ sees your lyin’ here
    I can barely believe
    that your arms are reachin’ out
    to hold on to me
    oh Somebody please slap me
    I know this must be a dream
    Lord knows that I don’t deserve
    such a beautiful thing
    Chorus…Its a wonderful mystery
    Why your so good to me
    My heart is a desert
    Your love is the Sea

  2. As the wind blows the prairie grass
    I sway with your touch
    Will the way the sun and stars and moon pass
    I don’t know that much
    So Somebody please pinch me
    I know this must be a dream
    Lord knows that I don.t deserve
    Such a beautiful thing


  1. When the stars and the moon align
    I will take you outside
    That is something I can share with you
    at the end of the night
    Oh, Somebody please shake me
    I know this must be a dream
    Lord knows I don’t deserve
    such a beautiful thing


(C) 2012 Royal T Music

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

I'll say it again !!! Damn good song.. I'll be back ...

Guest said

Damn good song .... I'll be back..

Guest said

Such a good song in a short time! You finished it up beautifully JM.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

That's pretty darn good, especially for the situation you described. It's really fun that you caught it on tape.

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