JR James's listening history

Open Concept's avatar
All Vocal and Beatbox Original....Come aboard this Lucid Dream and let the beat guide you through.
Endicott Road's avatar
As you can see, I sometimes duplicate titles with different lyrics and musical styles. This one just popped into my head one day and wouldn't leave until I wrote it down. Enjoy. ER
Endicott Road's avatar
This is from the classic warning tale when greed overcomes reason. (c)2012 T.A.Beckett Well you did it again. Ruined such a good thing. We had it all in hand. Might live like a king. You just could not wait, Could not follow the plan. And we…
Anton's avatar
Please also listen to the first part of this track, "Man of the morning fog". Lots of letters downstairs. John Capulator is a comics character drawn by my uncle. This is his own description of JC: well first we must know what John Capulator…
Andrew Russe's avatar
I can't quite believe that I'm posting this, or that I've even recorded it. But I've played it like this sat on the sofa in the living room for many years, and I needed something to check out how to record a live "one vocal and one guitar" song…
Andrew Russe's avatar
I can't quite believe that I'm posting this, or that I've even recorded it. But I've played it like this sat on the sofa in the living room for many years, and I needed something to check out how to record a live "one vocal and one guitar" song…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar. I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording. I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar. I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording. I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…