jas2's listening history

unadjustedeye's avatar
lyrics are "poop" by Charles Bukowski
unadjustedeye's avatar
Lux Divon's avatar
this song was created after hearing some downtempo, that was so minimalistic that we said, 'that'd be a great track, with some synth, vocals, bass, and beat variation' and so "syncronicity was born" [right click on arrow and select 'save link…
mmi's avatar
Sir Alfred IV's avatar
yelyah's avatar
You know those people who like to break out the family photos or something of that sort with which to bore their guests? This is my version of that. Most of what makes this song special to me is for all the same reasons that you won't share…
yelyah's avatar
Alright, so it turns out that I lied. THIS song is actually #60 of 2009. I forgot about how I turned the instrumental "lucid traum" into the spoken word 'drama' "wake me up" for a class project. (http://yelyah.com/music/song/lucid-traum…
yelyah's avatar
When I tweeted about maybe doing an Irish rap tonight, I wasn’t actually serious (though it has been on my todo list for a few years). But I took a walk, and the idea of going for it stuck in my head. So I started developing it on the walk and…
yelyah's avatar
The 3rd song I ever really wrote. Someday I'll record the vocals to it and then we can all laugh together.
glu's avatar
Glu and Sister Savage bring you these remixes! Original track by Sister Savage: http://alonetone.com/sistersavage/tracks/little-england I added melodies to the initial track and then Sister Savage rerecorded the vocals to match the new melody.