Swallowing Bells
This is a segment that’s going into my piece “The Interview: When Words Fail”. It’s created entirely from a one second sample of a nervous swallow followed by a mouth click extracted from an interview. Overtones were manipulated to create the bell tones you’ll hear.
Delightful bit of technical wizardry here... as well as a good sense of build-up and rhythm. Knowing that all this was from a single second sample makes it even more impressive, but still a fun listen on its own.
Very impressive! Amazing how you can get it to sound like a band of marching soldiers from about 2 minutes in. From a swallow. Wow!
Nice rhythmic interplay between the elements. Reminds me of a horse on a cobblestone road!
Thanks, Invisible. It could use a kick! Since I've dedicated myself to using only sounds extracted from my radio interviews (made by human voices) I am somewhat limited. Clearly, there's a lot I can do (creating bell tones from overtones, pumping up what low end is there) but using these sounds means I end up pointing to or approaching music. That's what's so interesting to me about the project. I think more it more as audio sculpture than music, but there's a fine line!
HI Jennifer: I'm enjoying your Swallowing Bells. Question: how do you upload a pic of myself? I just joined.