jesse1366's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Part of my remix all tracks with Audacity project. Written after buying my first synth. The lead guitar here is a Peavey 5150 amp simulator and I played a bit vocally with old tape echo. Lyrics: Sunrise, I'm talkin' to you all…
glu's avatar
Shaken, not stirred please. Experimenting more with sandbags' Elysium. This time I used it to trigger elephant samples for part of the percussion section.
etsiegel's avatar
Solo piano version of this great duke ellington tune
jennifer's avatar
Part of an audio sculpture I'm working on that uses the stuff I usually cut out of my radio interviews and turns them into...something new.
dougsparling's avatar
Another "jazzy" little number from the basement archives. Someone call the smooth jazz police before I ever do this again...
IronAngel's avatar
The title is a reference to the rain in "Pain" and how once the pain is gone you feel like it's a new day. My first foray into multi-tracking vocals, with mixed results. I like the effect, but I just had realized I can sing about half way…
IronAngel's avatar
Pain is inspired by my bout with severe nerve damage in my lower back. As anyone who has ever had a good hurt can tell you, it gives you an internal feeling of chaos that often comes and goes in waves and spikes. The music follows this pattern…
Gumbo's avatar
OK it's the morning after the party at the China Quay, and our hero is waking up. What has happened? Influenced by about 6 different doowop tunes (great for hangovers!)
Gumbo's avatar
I needed a place to host a work in progress where it wouldn't be obvious so you might have found a secret mix!!! So that 4 minute song with the slide guitar that no-one listens to is gone ;-)
Yards of Silk's avatar