jesse1366's listening history

glu's avatar
I fall apart.
Gumbo's avatar
I needed a place to host a work in progress where it wouldn't be obvious so you might have found a secret mix!!! So that 4 minute song with the slide guitar that no-one listens to is gone ;-)
moschell's avatar
Clean undistorted version, because someone told me it should be that way. (Thank you)
DrumJunky's avatar
‘Cut Up’ was a very challenging song for writing bass parts. The guitars in that song are rhythmically dominating. The pay off was a dense piece of music.
DrumJunky's avatar
Slightly twisted, odd. I like this one a lot...I think I'll do something more with it.
DrumJunky's avatar
Wrote this little piece from 7/14/09 to 7/15/09. A lot more metal than I'm used to playing. Played on my broken-neck Epiphone semi-hollow.