A Sound-In remix from our Shorty event. Featuring Kavin and Grackle Live Jam, Paul Muller, Charlene Stocker, Paul Mimlitsch, Bill Newbold and Shane Cadman. Remix by me.
Another edit from a live setting in Prospect Park with harmonicist Ken Ficara and myself. This was opening moments. Ken - harmonica/electronics Jim - lap steel guitar/electronics.
Harmonicist Ken Ficara and I got together for a first time impromptu jam live recently in the meadow of Prospect Park. With instruments, some electronics, portable amps we performed for passerbys, dogs and water salesmen. This is one of 3 tracks…
Modernist avant garde NYC based composer/musician Glenn Branca passed away earlier this week. This fretless guitar functioning as a midi controller driving a 4 voice synth patch created in Pure Data is with him in mind.
Improvisation of the traditional hymn popularized in the secular by late John Fahey and before Joseph Spence I think. Did this for this weekends Sound-In event and initially inspired by a hymn Paul Muller did. I did lap steel and looping in…
mix of samples - my native flute, Mike Ambs blue whale environmental recording, Bruno Lefevre piano sample from Freesound.org. Remixed in Pure Data patch and Audacity.
this is all James Bailey’s work and again I just added the delayed stereo effects with the bent time lines left and right.. no big thing but I am liking this just as much as the original.. next comes the effects :) while the movie renders..
Comments on jimgoodinmusic's stuff
Woohoo! -K
Your Pure Data compositions are very interesting. Enjoy your lap steel playing a lot. Chris
atoneamendarise+GODjudgeruler=powerpurposepresence[s] 144+147=291
Nice work, gents! -K
Love the textural development!
persistent with surprises! cool
this ends like so poetically it is great.
this is ... so intense ... --- wow.
really nice stuff.. this is great.
made me relive deadwood
Not my usual genre but I love new stuff and enjoyed the listen all the way
Very atmospheric
Innovative. Lush tones. Urban anomie ambient? Alone in the dark streets but almost home? Cool track :)
Amazing...I was mesmerized listening to this.
Lovely guitar sounds!
I like the mood! - "Aiwha" Bruno
shades of Bill Frisell, nice! -K
Comments made by jimgoodinmusic
Bill like your graphic on this. Mixes are quite creative, you really paint tonality each week.