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jip1965's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by jip


Not Impressed

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This is what happens when you can’t get an internet meme out of your head.

You can leap tall buildings in a single bound
You can save a drowning man
You can stop a bank robber with your kung fu moves
Still, McKayla is not impressed

You can run a mile in three minutes flat
You can fly yourself to the moon
You can beat Ali by round number three
Still, McKayla, she’s not impressed

Oh, McKayla, what can I do?
To impress a girl like you?

You can slay a dragon with nothing but wits
You can defeat Kasparov at chess
You can dig a hole all the way to China
Still McKayla is not impressed

You can solve the Times crossword completely in ink
You can prove Steven Hawking wrong
You can even bring peace to the Middle East
But McKayla is not impressed

Oh, McKayla, what can I do?
To impress a girl like you?

So come on, McKayla
Show us that winning smile
Tell us we’re the best
Let us know you’re finally impressed

[inst break]

Oh, McKayla, what can I do?
To impress a girl like you?
Oh McKayla, just once in a while
Can we please see you smile?

So we played her this song and she found it all wrong
But what did you expect?
We gave it our best, and we’re not depressed
But still McKayla was not impressed

V: C - G - F - Am - G // C - G - F - F
C: G - Am - F - F // G - Am - F - G
B: Bm - A - Em - G // Bm - A - Em - F - G

angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

i say f' her, cause this is a good song.

jip's avatar
jip said

Hard time impressing her, lol - I like the thought gone into this song, and the range of instruments.
