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erm, well, a bit of a sloppy woppy, luvvy duvvy luv thong. Actually, more like a sad song…poor fella, not me, just 3rd party empathy, or something. You know how it is, have an idea for a song, and stick it into the computer to make it real - a musical sculpture, so to speak.

tdg7's avatar
tdg7 said


Guest said

lovely song

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Cool, laid back song ... hi in Nottinghamshire, great song.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice songwriting and mixing!

Guest said

This is a great song - I especially love how the chorus builds and then melts. Wonderful!

Guest said

Moody and magnificent - lovely, expressive vocal. Great track!

FDR's avatar
FDR said

Sounds just like Tuesday to me ????????

CMOR's avatar
CMOR said

This is the best melancholy I have heard in a while!!

Guest said

Well done and great mix. The quality of the music here just keeps getting better and better.
