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Aliens Come To Earth And Nothing Happens

Big Joe Silence

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tracked 7 years ago, in the same vein as “A Brain Haemorrhage Would Be A Birthday Present”.

-modified toy keyboard into a resonant filter with LFO mod into a Boss DD-3 DDL pedal, all tweaked as part of the performance.

-beat is from an old analogue beatbox i used to have.

-bass is my Jazz bass into the line-in of a mic pre into a pitch transposer set for an octave down.

-guitars early in piece are my old white Yamaha Strat-style through the DD-3 DDL into the same pre i used for the bass into a borrowed PCM60 reverb.

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

I like when this settles down into an epic drone. Unfortunately, it sounds like the aliens also have houseflies! Or perhaps ARE houseflies. Hrmm.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

because they didn't have their own reality show. Trippy!

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