Keith Landry's listening history

Message She Gave's avatar
Let me know what you think
Message She Gave's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
Hard to say who did what here, suffice to say I did NOT play guitar. Thanks Tipu!
Breaking Light's avatar
live @ Buon Giorno in Fort Worth
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For Someone extremely special. And for those that it might help. Thanks to Dave Purssord for Playing Lead for me. Thanks to St Mary’s for allowing me to record this live in the Church. And Thanks to all you all here. Peace T Some Say…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For Someone extremely special. And for those that it might help. Thanks to Dave Purssord for Playing Lead for me. Thanks to St Mary’s for allowing me to record this live in the Church. And Thanks to all you all here. Peace T Some Say…
Breaking Light's avatar
Gig rehearsal outtake. All looping, no overdubs.
Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Colin Garvey's avatar
This tune has been knocking about in various forms for the last decade and I've never given it a name.
dougsparling's avatar
I sent the tracks for this tune to a friend of mine who owns a professional studio. I gave him no instructions on how to mix it, as I wanted someone else's take on the music. He created a very dry, intimate mix, focusing more on the acoustic guitars…