Keith Landry's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
stoman's avatar
This song was written on guitar by Kari Eskola from Finland. He sent me his guitar track along with this fantastic vocal recording by Emmi Inkeri asking me to replace the guitar with a piano accompaniment. I tried my best, knowing that I'm not…
boy named bri's avatar
2nd song for the RPM challenge in 2012. As always, feedback is appreciated! Lyrics: Hold on little girl. Don't lose hope. Even though things seem so damn broken now, I want you to know that it gets so much better. My thoughts flow out, like…
kavin.'s avatar
third tune for RPM chalenge. DGDGBD
kavin.'s avatar
third tune for RPM chalenge. DGDGBD
richardlaceves's avatar
rpm #3,, from a future themed piece to be called "the dark doll house" a place where yellow orange light drifts through soft gray curtains,,far away a child's laugh echos down the stair case,,
vaisvil's avatar
Details are here if you are curious.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This one could use a vocal or a surf's up lead guitar hook. Sounds like it could be in Kill Bill Vol. III. Midi nylon acoustic in this one.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
W/M by Tharek Mokbul -Lyrics- When the world is in battle, It grows hard to see, The fights that occur within lines. Constant distraction dispensed From the top of the castle With oil down its sides. All of the effort now wasted…
Keith Landry's avatar
The title track for this year's RPM album. One mic. Live take. Please forgive the missed notes. LETTERS Writing while I drive with voices in my mind Passed along by friends I’ve never met Trying to stay alive in one place in time…