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All Over Again (vocals added)

Keith Landry

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The next step in the progression of this song… It still needs quite a bit of cleanup (and some extra arranging), but it’s getting there.

Hey, everyone writes songs about falling in love (which for me was, like, seventeen years ago), so I thought I should write about what I know… Falling in love all over again during those short periods of time of being alone together.

Your momma’s got the kids tonight
They won’t be getting home
‘Till sometime tomorrow
Let’s ride out beyond the city lights
With all the time
We can beg, steal, or borrow
Your eyes still shine like they did way back when
Let’s turn back time and fall in love all over again

You’re every bit as beautiful
As the day I first saw your face
Looking in your eyes tonight
Brings me back to that time and place
Your eyes still shine like they did way back when
It’s all right to turn back time now and then
You still drive me wild my angel, my best friend
Let’s take that ride and fall in love all over again

Jane Gould's avatar
Jane Gould said

i just love guitar music this is real cool

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks man, it was pretty nuts. Gave it my best shot. I knew you would like the unplugged stuff. There will be more of it to, i can't wait to go play again ;)

Jane Gould's avatar
Jane Gould said

really nice

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Been in norway....Recording music with friends. Glad to come back and find some new KL tunes! "Sing about what you know": The Only way to do it bro! beautiful Idea behind the lyrics. This one gets a real emotional reaction from me.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

There is an interesting story to that song. Long winded but interesting. It seemed like all day from morning until evening, every story someone shared was geared tward some horrible thing that they had heard about. I got home and was watching a show about the crazy ______ (

Guest said

Well Done.

Guest said

I am always moved by the tone of your voice. It's a true gift.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nicely done Keith top job.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Good one Keith!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Sounding good Keith. Lots of good feeling and soul.

Guest said

sounds FNG to me.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Instant favorite man. It's a wonderful thing.

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